A lot of persons have already started thinking about what they want to accomplish in 2018 or how to make it a better year than 2017. I have realized that what causes many of these goals to fail is because we wait until the start of the new year; but what about starting now?
The earlier you start the better able you will be to accomplish your goals. You are not going to be motivated to work towards something just because it is the first day of the new year, it will be just another day. This is why I disagree with having new year resolutions because it is not any different from the other goals you have set in the middle of the year or towards the end of the year. It is just another reason to procrastinate and say "well, next year I will do this" or " the new year will be a fresh start".
Why should you start today?
Starting today will allow for you to develop a habit of working towards your goal. If you step into 2018 with the same old habits of 2017 it will be very difficult to change. I remember this quote I learned when I was younger, "Watch your thoughts. They become words. Watch your words. They become deeds. Watch your deeds. They become habits. Watch your habits. They become character. Character is everything." If you think that a new year is the best time for you to write down your goals and start working towards them, then every time you have something you want to achieve you'll put it off until the next year causing your goals to be realized much later than they should have. We need to change our mindset and know that a new year is not the only opportunity for setting new goals. After changing our mindset we will also change our actions and start working on our goals as soon as we identify them. Eventually, it will become a part of who we are; goal driven individuals at any time of the year.
Today you can start writing down the steps you plan to take to reach your goals. Having a goal in mind is one but we cannot expect it to all fall into place by random acts or by luck. There should be a well thought out plan outlining the different milestones that should be crossed before you'll be able to accomplish that big goal. By writing down the goal, the plan, and creating a timeline sets events in motion that would not have happened otherwise.
Starting now will allow you to feel less pressured in 2018. This is because you are making progress and you are getting closer towards achieving your goal in comparison to starting from scratch if you had decided to wait until the start of the new year.
I hope after reading this you are motivated to work towards what was going to be your new year resolutions right now; so that your journey in 2018 will be one of goal accomplishments and may it be your best year yet.
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