I Wish I Were Her
that everything now happening was all meant to be.
To wipe her tears and give her long hugs,
After all, my love is the best love.
Everything I'm going through is only for a time
That twisting at the bottom of my stomach
All the blank stares
The tight contracting in my throat won't always be there.
Three months older me is happy
And she laughs about today
She tells the story with tears in her eyes
Tearing up from laughter, and then she will say
"That day I lost my laptop charger, I was so distraught
but look at this whole new laptop that I just bought."
About the Poem
That's all I wrote that night it could be better but I penned it in just 10 minutes. Before I started writing I was feeling terrible because a lot had happened the day before, so my sadness was at the peak because of something you might think is so small.
It was through writing down my feelings that I realized that what I was worrying about was not worth it. Also, the fact that it even made me write also showed how much good it was instead of bad because I really love writing and have not done so in a while.
For everyone reading this I want to encourage you not to suppress your feeling, you might have heard "don't sweat the small stuff" but I'm encouraging you to let it all out, because all those "small stuff" add up. The results of you letting out your emotion and letting yourself feel and then heal, will be amazing!
I found my laptop charger at the exact place I left it, three days after.
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