I didn't want to watch '13 Reason Why' until my exams were finished, this was hard to do because everyone on social media was talking about it so I grew more and more curious. One day I was on hall with some friends and one of them asked if we had heard about the show, I was the only one who knew about it. The other two girls started asking questions wanting to know what it's about and before you know it we all grouped together watching episode 9 from her iPhone7.It was so interesting we couldn't stop watching, well I had to leave after episode 11 because I had an interview in a couple of hours, so I needed the sleep. My friends kept watching til episode 13 where the season ended. Needless to say, I was hooked since that night. I needed to know all the reasons why Hannah killed herself and in two days I finished the series. For those of you just hearing about the show I'm going to give you a brief overview of what it's about (without any spoilers, I pro...
Lifestyle blog of a 21 year old university student living in Jamaica and pursuing a degree in Political Science.