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Showing posts from March, 2016

The Persuit of Excellence

What I have realized is that when you chose not to push yourself to achieve something it's not that you're lazy but because you don't believe in yourself. You don't think you're capable, so why work hard if it won't pay off anyways. It's thoughts like these that make us to settle for mediocre/ less. We are cutting ourselves short of true potential. I really started thinking about this last night when I acknowledged that I am not studying and finals are so close. There is absolutely no way I can get a GPA over 3.5 if I continue like this. Then I came to the conclusion that I don't want to be like the majority of university students who settle for a B or C average I want more than that I want an A. There's a saying aim for the stars and if you fall you'll reach the moon but I don't plan on falling I want to be among the stars. If that means going the extra mile, studying until I fall asleep, skipping some of my favourite pass time activities, ...

Easy Road to Success/Happiness

Today I realized how the accomplishment of a simple goal can make you feel so wonderful. It doesn't have to be something major as long as it is something you have been wanting to do for a while and for some reason you just kept putting it off. When you finally muster the strength to go and cross that thing off your list you get a sense of relief and happiness. Well, that's what happened to me and I'm 90% sure it will happen to you too. Currently I'm attending University and I'm not working but I always love saving which I usually do out of my weekly allowance. But I find myself not being able to keep my savings for more than 3weeks then it's all gone. I knew that I want my saving to be long term so today I went to the bank and deposited a half of my allowance. It felt so good; and I thought, what if everyday I did something like this, crossing something off my to do list. Eventually, I'll be so in love with this feeling and want to keep accomplishing. S...